01-02 | Your skin briefly shimmers like golden scales, granting you resistance to non-magical damage for 1 minute. |
03-04 | Golden fire erupts from your fingertips. You cast Fireball centered on yourself, but it deals radiant instead of fire damage. |
05-06 | A mystical oak staff sprouts from the ground before you. If wielded, it grants advantage on spellcasting rolls for 1 minute, then crumbles into golden leaves. |
07-08 | A majestic, spectral gold dragon appears above you, roaring. All hostile creatures within 30 feet must make a Wisdom saving throw or become frightened for 1 minute. |
09-10 | Golden ivy vines burst from the ground, wrapping around creatures within 10 feet. They must make a Dexterity saving throw or be restrained for 1 minute. |
11-12 | You glow with sunlight for 1 minute, shedding bright light in a 30-foot radius and granting allies within range advantage on saving throws against fear. |
13-14 | A burst of dragon-like presence radiates from you. You can cast Command once within the next minute as if cast by an ancient gold dragon. |
15-16 | Your voice echoes with draconic power, and for 1 minute, all Persuasion and Intimidation checks are made with advantage. |
17-18 | A spectral gold dragon's wing shields you, granting you temporary hit points equal to your level for 1 minute. |
19-20 | Your hands sprout golden roots and vines. For 1 minute, you can cast Entangle at will, but your movement is reduced by 10 feet. |
21-22 | The air hums with ancient druidic energy. A random beast within 60 feet gains the ability to speak for the next hour. |
23-24 | Your breath briefly takes on draconic power. You can use an action within the next minute to exhale golden fire in a 15-foot cone (Dex save, 3d6 radiant damage). |
25-26 | A golden flower blooms at your feet, radiating warmth. It lasts for 1 hour and, if picked, can cast Cure Wounds (2nd level) once before wilting. |
27-28 | The next spell you cast within 1 minute triggers a burst of golden sparks, blinding all creatures within 5 feet for 1 round. |
29-30 | Your hands glow with golden fire. The next melee attack you hit with deals an extra 2d8 radiant damage. |
31-32 | For the next minute, leaves and vines sprout in your wake, making the ground difficult terrain in a 10-foot radius around you. |
33-34 | A pair of golden spectral dragon wings appear on your back for 1 minute, allowing you to hover 10 feet off the ground. |
35-36 | A random non-magical object you are holding transforms into pure gold. If it’s a weapon, it gains +1 to attack and damage for 1 minute. |
37-38 | Your eyes glow like molten gold. You can cast Detect Magic at will for the next 10 minutes. |
39-40 | Golden dragon scales briefly cover your body. You gain +1 AC for 1 minute. |
41-42 | A chorus of unseen voices sings an ancient druidic hymn. Allies within 30 feet gain inspiration (d6) they can use within the next minute. |
43-44 | A random nearby creature is blessed—they gain advantage on their next ability check, attack roll, or saving throw. |
45-46 | Golden butterflies made of light appear around you. They do nothing but are beautiful and linger for 1 minute. |
47-48 | Your hair turns into leaves and petals, falling gently before returning to normal in 1 minute. |
49-50 | A soothing dragon’s hum fills the air. All creatures within 10 feet regain 1d6 hit points. |
51-52 | Your next attack deals radiant damage instead of its normal type and emits a burst of golden light (illuminating a 10-foot radius). |
53-54 | A golden dragon’s clawprint appears on your palm. The next spell you cast is upcast by one level. |
55-56 | A small earthquake shakes the ground within 20 feet, causing minor tremors for 6 seconds. |
57-58 | Your body briefly flickers into golden mist, allowing you to teleport 10 feet as a reaction before returning to normal. |
59-60 | A random non-magical object in your pack turns to solid gold (worth 10x its normal value). |
99-100 | Your body briefly flickers between dragon and humanoid form. For 1 minute, your unarmed strikes deal an extra 1d6 radiant damage. |